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Volunteer Opportunities

We have a range of roles for volunteers at Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) and Rotherham Sight & Sound (RSS). If you would like to register your interest in volunteering for SRSB/RSS please email us on

Thank you for your interest in supporting our charity.  

Tele-Contact Volunteer

Photograph of a volunteer speaking on the phone in the office

Tele-Contact Volunteers contact our clients by phone to check if they need any other support or services. ‘Read More’

Tele-Friends Volunteer

Photo of someone on the telephone

Tele-friends contact clients on a regular basis. ‘Read More’

Befriending Volunteer

Photo of two people chatting over a drink

Befrienders visit our clients to offer support, companionship or practical assistance. ‘Read More’


My Sighted Guide Volunteer

Photo of two ladies smiling at the camera  The aim of this service is to build visually impaired people’s confidence and independence, to achieve personal goals that they have identified. ‘Read More’

Self Help and Support Group Volunteer

Photo of two people chatting in a support group Volunteers help to facilitate the groups and support clients at the centres or on trips out. ‘Read More’
Photo of some people in Showdown a sports activity Volunteers assist with a range of sporting and leisure activities so that people with sight loss and/or hearing loss can participate in a safe, secure and friendly environment. ‘Read More’
 Photograph of SRSB volunteer at a store collection Volunteers take part in store collections at various locations in Sheffield and Rotherham. ‘Read More’

Fundraising Event Volunteer

Photo of someone at an event with a tray of food Event volunteering is suitable for people who want to be involved in specific one off events. ‘Read More’

Office Volunteer

Photo of two people working on a mailshot Office Volunteers are a vital support to our staff, carrying out administration work. ‘Read More’

Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest activities, events, groups and trips

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