Why Do I Need to Make a Will?
It is advisable that if you are over 18 and you want to ensure that your assets are given as you wish them to be, you should make a will. It is only natural that you want to make sure that the people that you care about are provided for, but after you have thought about family and friends please consider including a gift to SRSB/RSS.
Making a will is easier than you think and if you would like to support us in this way, then please get in touch: giftinwills@srsb.org.uk or call our Legacy Officer Steve Loane on 0114 272 2757
We are working with a panel of solicitors in Sheffield and Rotherham to offer independent advice to you at a discounted price. In addition to offering a discounted will service.
Many charities simply wouldn’t survive without gifts left in wills. In fact, our charity started over 160 years ago enabled by a legacy.
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SRSB provides a lifeline to visually impaired people of all ages across Sheffield City Region.
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