We are proud to know and work with many inspirational people in Sheffield. It is impossible to name every person, because we meet them every day. But we are going to feature a cross section of some of these people on a regular basis, so keep checking back! We hope that you enjoy reading about them.
Gita (Client)
We meet many people who make huge transformations after facing many different challenges, and Gita is one of those people. 'Read More'
Pam and Nicky (Clients)
Nicky and Pam talk about the VI Tennis Tournament they are competing in. 'Read More'
Dave (Client)
Dave talks about the early stages of his sight loss journey and the support he received from our CAOs . 'Read More'
Steven (Client)
Steven has had sight loss for many years. However, he had a period of time when he didn’t access our services. Then in 2023 he took the step to come in. 'Read More'
Jean (Client)
Jean experienced sight loss incredibly suddenly in the space of a bus ride from Sheffield city centre to her home. . 'Read More'
Janiece (Client and Supporter)
When our client Janiece lost her sight very suddenly one New Year’s Eve she realised she had two choices. She could accept it and live life the best way she could or stay at home and be a miserable person. 'Read More'
Jackie (Client, Supporter and Volunteer)
Jackie found friendship, a talent for sport and a new zest for life when she came to one of the ‘Look Ahead Information Workshops’ at SRSB in Sheffield and all of them were quite a surprise to her. 'Read More'
Mick (Client and Volunteer)
Our client and volunteer Mick has achieved a huge amount after losing his sight in the last few years. He’s learned how to navigate daily life and successfully taken on a lot of big new challenges. 'Read More'
Jordan (Client)
Sport has played a big part in the life of our client Jordan both before and since he lost most of his sight. And now it has the potential to help unlock a whole new career for him – as a sports massage therapist. 'Read More'
Nomaan (Client)
Our client Nomaan began to adjust to a different way of life with visual impairment after a life-threatening illness. An introduction to SRSB/RSS helped him to begin that process 'Read More'
Anne (Client, Volunteer and Supporter)
When Anne first went to Rotherham Sight & Sound (RSS) little did she know what a big part of her life RSS, SRSB and our clients would become for her. 'Read More'
Julie and Dennis (Volunteers)
![Photo of Julie and Dennis at SRSB working on the client newsletter mailout](/upload/images/volunteersadmin2.jpg) |
If you receive your SRSB/RSS newsletter by post there is a very good chance it will be Julie or Dennis who will have put it in the envelope. The married couple have been a key part of the volunteer team at the charity for over 10 years, and helping with the mailing is just one of the many ways they support its work. 'Read More'
Phil (Client and Supporter)
![Photo of Phil](/upload/images/phil.jpg) |
Reading an article in an SRSB newsletter more than a decade ago sent client Phil’s life in a totally new direction and changed it for the better. 'Read More'
Mel (Client and Volunteer)
![Photo of Mel](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/mel.jpg) |
SRSB and the Mappin Street Centre have played a part in the life of Mel for as long as she can remember. 'Read More'
Rob Nolan (Client and Trustee)
![Photo of Rob out walking on the moors](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeoplerob.jpg) |
There’s a saying that if you want to get something done, ask a busy person. SRSB/RSS. 'Read More'
Zheyuan (Client and Supporter)
![Photo of Zheyuan at SRSB playing violin](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeoplezhu.jpg) |
Zheyuan was a client and supporter of SRSB who started using our services when he began to pursue a Master’s degree at the University of Sheffield. 'Read More'
Norman (Client and Trustee)
![Photo of Norman](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/aboutsrsbmeetteamtrusteesnorman1.jpg) |
Norman Wragg became a trustee of SRSB almost 20 years ago, bringing with him a wealth of professional expertise and personal experience of living with sight loss. 'Read More'
Louise (Client and Supporter)
![Photo of Louise](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeopleslouise.jpg) |
Blind runner Louise remembers her first run clearly, after just a short distance she went home exhausted. Now she would struggle to count the miles. 'Read More'
Kion (Client, Volunteer and Supporter)
![Photo of Kion](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/picwebsite.jpg) |
When teenager Kion tells you he’s blind and hard of hearing with a number of other health problems it comes as quite a surprise when he talks about the hobbies and passions that drive his life... 'Read More'
Andy (Client, Volunteer and Supporter)
![Photograph](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeople_andy.jpg) |
Andy is a client, volunteer and supporter of Rotherham Sight & Sound, SRSB's new centre in Rotherham. 'Read More' |
Amy Rollitt (Client, Volunteer and Supporter)
SRSB client, supporter and volunteer Amy Rollitt credits what she calls: “The magic of Mappin Street,” with giving her a new lease of life. 'Read More'
Carol (Client, Volunteer and Supporter)
![Photograph of Carol](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeoplecarol.jpg) |
Carol speaks so enthusiastically about our services, and this comes from her involvement with several groups. 'Read More' |
Catherine and Mike (Clients and Supporters)
Catherine Harris has two great passions in life. One is her husband Mike and the other is the vast assortment of gadgets that she uses to help her navigate her way through her very busy days. 'Read More' |
Bill Skipworth (Client and Supporter)
Bill discovered that his creative talent on the piano suddenly “magnified by a factor of 10” as a result of his sight loss 'Read More' |
John Boyce (Client and Volunteer)
![Photograph of John working on a car](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeoplejohn.jpg) |
John Boyce is a client and volunteer who has lifelong love of motor vehicles. 'Read More'
Chris Hancock (Client and Volunteer)
![](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeoplechrish.jpg) |
Chris is a fully qualified holistic therapist, works at Cairn Home and also finds time to volunteer for SRSB. 'Read More'
Graham (Client and Supporter)
![Photograph of Graham in his studio](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpersongraham.jpg) |
Graham is a client, but also an active volunteer and supporter, getting involved with lots of things at SRSB. 'Read More'
Val Batty (Client and Supporter)
![Photograph of Val with some of her cards](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpeopleval.jpg) |
Val is a client, but also an active supporter, getting involved with lots of things at SRSB. 'Read More'
Eric Andrews (Client and Supporter)
![Photograph of Eric at SRSB](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/inspirationalpersoneric.jpg) |
Eric is a client and supporter of SRSB as well as being an active member of the Sheffield Visually Impaired Walking Group. 'Read More'
Graham Bell (Volunteer)
Graham was one of SRSB’s longest serving volunteers who supported our charity in various roles. ‘Read More’ |
Alan Thorpe (Client)
![Alan pictured with his guide dog](http://www.srsb.org.uk/upload/images/oursheffieldinspirationalpeoplealan1.jpg) |
Alan is a positive role model and believes that visual impairment shouldn’t stop people from achieving what they want, only that you have to overcome a few limitations. ‘Read More’