We meet many people who make huge transformations after facing many different challenges, and Gita is one of those people who managed to turn things around through determination and courage.
She first came to us after having sight issues following a stroke 2 years ago. To explain the severity of Gita's stroke helps us to understand the many other issues she faced as well as the problems with her sight (Hemianopia).
It was a major stroke and she spent 4 days in a coma and had lost the use of her right side. When she came out of hospital she had to be trained to do everything - she had to learn to read and write again, how to talk again, she was in a wheelchair and began 3 months of rehabilitation.
At the time of her stroke, she was working as a Design Technology teacher in a school and had a teenage daughter herself. So she was faced with many challenges, and says "I was coming to terms with a lot of issues and having to attend a lot of appointments". However, with sheer determination and the support of many organisations and her friends and family, she has made amazing progress. Gita credits her daughter Tonita for her support, "I couldn't do it without her. Right from the beginning she took such great care of me. She is my inspiration and my shining light and star. I couldn't do it without her and I love her so much."
When Gita came to SRSB/RSS, she attended the Look Ahead Workshops that introduce new clients to our services and to those of other organisations, all to support them in their development. She was supported by one of our Community Advice Officers and says, "Carolyn helped me with so much, for example, enabling me to organise equipment at home and also with advice around welfare benefits."
After hearing about our range of services, she decided to join some of the groups and activities we offer, and by coming along to Showdown, Curling, VI Baseball, painting and trips to the seaside, she met other people and met a new circle of friends, who also provide peer support. This is something we hear time and again about the strong friendships that are made after accepting our support.
Gita went on to make huge steps forward, and explains " Walks that used to take an hour, now take 30 mins. I go to the gym 3 times a week and do 3 hour sessions to improve my mobility. I don't give up, I am determined." She had now begun volunteering at the gym she goes to, where she offers encouragement to others and some peer support, and she's now also embarking on instructor training. She gives her time to volunteer at SATVE too, teaching English language to people who are new to English.
Gita doesn't come into our Centre as much anymore, which in itself is a success to us, as we know that she is enjoying her new life and is involved in lots of other things. She explains, "My life is more fulfilled now and I have come a long way. SRSB/RSS helped me to achieve many things and I know they are always there for me if I need them at any point. I've accepted a new way of life, sometimes I might have an off day, but I go out and shake it off!"
When asked if she had any advice for anyone else who is adapting to sight loss and perhaps other issues too, she says "Don't be afraid to ask for help, remember there is someone you can talk to whenever you want at SRSB/RSS, and meeting other people in a similar situation helps too. I appreciate all the help that SRSB/RSS has given me - they are great!"