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Why we do what we do...

Photo of Sarah

There are many stories that happen at SRSB and we occasionally like to share them. This helps people to understand what our charity does on a day to day basis and helps our supporters understand how their support helps us to do what we do.

Here is one story that Sarah (pictured), one of our Community Advice Officers (CAOs) passed on. We have six CAOs who offer a comprehensive support service for our clients. Their main responsibility is to visit visually impaired people in their own home. They provide a full needs assessment for newly registered blind or partially sighted people, whilst offering support to existing clients who require assistance with a variety of issues.

Our team will assess the requirement for equipment to help clients with everyday tasks and any other issues with the aim of enabling visually impaired people to live as full and complete a life as possible. 

A long standing client who has been attending SRSB’s activities centre for nearly ten years unfortunately found that it was all getting a bit too much for him after suffering a fall and he stopped attending earlier this year.  He is a fiercely independent 98 year old ex veteran who has led an extremely fascinating life. 

A visit was made to our client’s home by Sarah, who identified that he was clearly struggling. Care packages and home support were an option but these services would have taken too long and he needed some help sooner rather than later. Options were limited at this stage in deciding the best way forward to keep him safe and well. 

He was extremely hesitant and quite frightened at the prospect of leaving his home for some much needed care but after a very long discussion he agreed that maybe it would be nice to receive a little TLC.  No time was spared, a bag was packed and he was taken to SRSB’s residential care home, Cairn Home, by the CAO. Cairn accepted him without any hesitation. Within minutes of arriving, he was already feeling brighter. The staff soon settled him in and were chatting to him as though they had known him for years. 

Two days later Sarah visited him in Cairn Home and was amazed to see the difference that this respite had made. He was the happiest he had been in a long time and it was clear to see that he had made a big impact on all the staff at Cairn Home. 

We wish him all the best for the future whatever that holds, whether he returns home or continues in a care setting. SRSB and Cairn Home have his best interests at heart and by working together it can only be a positive outcome.

The gentleman in this story commented, “My life was rubbish before I came here.” Just one of the reasons why we do what we do.




Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

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