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Cairn Home Wins Dignity Award

Photograph of Cairn Home staff receiving award
We attended the Dignity in Care Awards at the Sheffield Town Hall this morning and are delighted to announce that our residential care home, Cairn Home received an award! This was the first Dignity in Care event held by Sheffield City Council and it has been established to recognise the contribution that many local organisations are making within the care industry. Cllr Mary Lee spoke to the audience about dignity in care and how it is important to treat people in the way that we would want to be treated and how dignity should be a priority

that underpins all care services. Staff from Cairn Home were thrilled to accept a Highly Commended Award in the Small Organisation Category in acknowledgment of their work.

It was great to be recognised alongside several other important organisations that were nominated for their contribution. Cairn Home was nominated by Anne Brown whose friend was a resident at the home, although sadly she has passed away now. Anne felt that her friend had been given a high standard of care and had maintained her dignity throughout her time at Cairn Home, especially in the last few days of her life.






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