Quote from Tina, a client who sent some feedback about the Wellbeing Packs we posted out in July 2021
“Hello, I just wanted to say a very big thank you for my Lush Shower Gel, tea bags and love hearts, it's made my day. I am so touched, thank you so very much. I think the service you offer to us is out of this world, it's so nice and reassuring to know you are there for us if we need any help or advice. Keep up the good work and many, many thanks once again from the bottom of my heart." (Tina. July 2021).
Quote from Gail, whose husband is a client and sent some feedback about the Wellbeing Packs we posted out in July 2021
"Hello I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely Lush gift my husband received in his information letter. The smell is fantastic!"
Quote from Thelma who is a client at SRSB and attends the weekly Creative Writing Group conference call.
“I never expected anything like this – how wonderful when they said that we could do this. Every week I imagine in my mind that we are sat in the same places as when we are together in the group.” (Thelma. April 2021).
Quote from Marguerite who is a client at SRSB and attended the Cycling 4 All Activity.
“It was the first time I had been cycling with this group and it was good to be outdoors. The bikes are safe, and there is a choice of what you want to use. It is a long time since I did any cycling, but it was easy to get around. It was joyous to be able to take part and be in the fresh air, and it was a lovely sunny day! Joy was there to assist and it was a good workout!” (Marguerite. April 2021).
Quotes from new clients who attended the Virtual Looking Ahead Groups that we have run during Covid restrictions.
"The most memorable thing about the Looking Ahead course for me is that for the first time I realised I was not an anomaly in the challenges I faced on a daily basis and discovering the amount useful tools and support available to lessen the situation. Feeling part of a community must be one of my key highlights of the course."
"It makes you realise that you can overcome difficulties and I am not alone in this. The course (and meeting other people) has spurred me to carry on with my ambition to get out of the house independently again and catch a bus into town, even though I now use an outdoor walking frame. I felt very self-conscious with this before as well as using a white cane of any kind, but now I have found out how helpful any kind of aid to independence can be. I have found it hard to accept that I need to accept help from anyone having always had a role of caring for others, including my late husband. I feel a bit better about pushing myself to do things outdoors again and take up some of my former interests when lockdown is over."
"The most helpful or useful session for me was: the emotional wellbeing session because it’s the first time in my life I have met anyone else who is blind or visually impaired. Hearing other people’s experiences and how they cope was very positive for me dealing with my feelings at the moment and speaking to Hayley, Liz and Rob and Andy has been very helpful both practically and emotionally. Thank you for all your time and help. Sarah is an inspiration too. I am also really happy to have found out about Yorkshire VI cricket club through the course and have made contact with them already as cricket has always been my hobby and passion."
Quote from Lara, mum of Amber one of SRSB's younger clients. She told us about the delivery that Amber got during lockdown in 2020
“I wanted to get hold of some talking kitchen equipment for my 10 year old daughter as she is severely sight impaired and finds mechanical and digital scales really, really hard. With being in the home a lot we are baking frequently. I thought these would help her to be more independent.
We contacted SRSB and Liz from the charity surprised Amber by delivering a basket not only with the talking scales, but some long oven mitts and a stay put mat! Amber has since been helping me with weighing out for pies, helped with the Sunday dinner, and has done some baking! The emergency basket also had a little SRSB Ellie mascot and a balloon! She loved it and has really enjoyed helping with the cooking!”
Quote from Lee, and Mary client and volunteers at SRSB/RSS. They told us what they miss about SRSB/RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“Lee is missing doing computer lessons and writing club. Also missing socialising with friends and staff.
“I am missing tinnitus support group and having time for myself knowing that Lee and Joya are safe and having fun.
“Also we both missing fundraising for the centre and interacting with the public.
“Also breaking down the barriers and stigma around visual impairment and hearing loss.
Joya (Lee's Guide Dog) is missing all the fuss she gets in the centre.”
Quote from Sarah who is a client at SRSB/RSS. She told us what she misses about SRSB/RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
"As a client, I miss my ‘family’. The comfort of walking in the centre and seeing and hearing warm friendly voices that make you so welcome. There is no barrier between staff and clients, I walk in and instantly feel at home, safe, like putting on your comfy dressing gown! There’s always someone to talk to, no matter how you feel when you walk in, you leave feeling happy and with a tale to tell! The laughter, there is so much laughter, nothing is held back! We share our highs and lows of living with Sight Loss. My sight loss ruled my life, it was my excuse not to do anything. Now I own it, SRSB and RSS have taught me that. I dread to think how Lockdown would have affected me I had I not gained the confidence from our centres!
"As a Volunteer. I miss my partners in crime. A great part of my life is spent with the Community Engagement Team. I miss having a purpose, the feeling of doing something, making a difference. I miss using my diary! It was full of events and one by one they disappeared! I miss my ladies and ‘going to work!’ I miss the sense of achievement when it’s been a long day, but you know that you have educated hopefully at least one person! I miss meeting all the different people we come across, finding new ways of getting the message across! We should be doing a Looking Ahead course right now. I feel for those people who have to now wait, because I have seen the difference in people from week 1 to week 5. I miss having ‘work’ days!”
Quote from Gail client and volunteer at SRSB. She told us what she misses about SRSB during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“SRSB is vital to me as a client and volunteer. The centre is where I meet other friends and participate in the swimming group and Tai Chi. There is always a friendly face there, either the staff or friends with a visual impairment.
“The friends with a visual impairment are always on hand to inspire me, where else can we go where folks are in the same boat ‘not being able to see well in a very much sighted society’. It builds up my confidence, which needs feeding like a fire or it will go out. My sighted friends are very good, but with all the will in the world they cannot really understand my life and usually think it must be awful, on the contrary SRSB makes my life worthwhile with the support staff give me they are always there to listen and advise and act on any problems we may encounter.
“We have 7 Community Advice Workers who go out in the community assisting folks in their homes whether it is to replace a battery in a watch or mark up white goods with a product called ‘bump ons’ usually on dials to ensure we can use washing machines microwaves etc. A simple thing sighted folks will take for granted, is the TV constantly needs re tuning, and the CAO's are on had to do this task. Not forgetting the form filling as well.
“Also, the ‘emotional support’ SRSB offer to clients.”
Quote from Kath, client and volunteer at RSS. She told us what she misses about RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“What I miss most is the socialising and all the friends I've made. I miss the outings and activities and all the laughter we have. Life without RSS is very boring and lonely."
Quote from Amy, client and volunteer at SRSB. She told us what she misses about SRSB during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“I am really missing coming to SRSB every week as a volunteer. It gives me some routine and it makes me feel like I have done something useful with my time. It gives me a reason to get out of the house and socialise with different people. I really do miss all of my SRSB friends. I also miss coming to the yoga group every week. I could really do with that at the moment to relax me. If I could I really would be counting down the days until I could come back. Luckily the work I do, I can do at home so I am still able to do something worthwhile. But it's really not the same as coming in to SRSB.”
Quote from Ron, client at SRSB. He told us how the shopping helped him during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“I don’t know what I would have done without Liz and Joanne sorting out my shopping and the little chat we have when Liz drops it off. This week we remembered when we went on the SRSB/RSS holiday to Blackpool, and we are really hoping that we will be able to go on the holiday later this year.
“Thank you for what you are doing and for going out of your way to help. I can’t thank you enough or say enough words. I really hope things will settle down soon and we can get back to the centre. Thank you – I wish I could give you all a big hug!
Quote from Carole, a client at RSS. She told us how the shopping helped her during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“Carole is one of Rotherham Sight & Sound’s (RSS) clients in Rotherham. She is one of our charity’s clients who we have been delivering shopping for. Carole says, “When we realised that a lockdown was likely to happen, I told Sue at RSS that we would appreciate support with shopping as my husband and I would have to self-isolate. Sue put us in touch with Joanne who stepped in to support us with this. She has never let us down, and rings to take our order each week. She has been doing this since the lockdown began and we are really grateful for this. Her support has been excellent, any queries I had she fulfilled eg There was a plea was from Jessop Wing for knitters, my neighbour and I obliged with premature baby blankets, and Joanne got them to the destination.”
Quote from Steve, a client and volunteer at RSS. He told us what he misses about RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020
“I have been using the services of SRSB for a number of years due to my deteriorating sight and have been actively involved with RSS since early 2017 when the initial meetings were held at the Badsley Moor Lane rehabilitation centre in Rotherham.
RSS has become a big part of my life and because of the lock down measures currently in place due to the Coronavirus pandemic I miss the regular social events and various volunteering roles I have been involved with at the Ship Hill Centre which have had to temporarily cease.
This said, I am still informally ringing around the many friends I have made over the years for a regular catch up and they in turn do the same so that the RSS network can continue alongside the more official communication methods currently employed by other staff members and volunteers."
Quotes from Penny, client at SRSB. He told us how the shopping helped her during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“I have been on the delivery service that Joanne and Liz are doing from SRSB. I don’t have anyone else to shop for me as my sister is self-isolating and she is in her 70s. I am so pleased that you are helping me. It is lovely to see Liz, who comes, she waves and says hello and I speak to Joanne on the phone with my order. How good is it that you are doing this? It’s beautiful. Thank you.”
“Hello all, l want to thank all the for their help ie. shopping and sounding cheerful when l ring. Hoping the lockdown ends soon so l can get back to Mappin Street to see all my friends, staff, volunteers Penny xx”
Quote from Mike, a client and volunteer at SRSB. He told us what he misses about SRSB during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020
“We as a family, are adapting to the lockdown, I personally think of it as weathering out the storm, from my navy days.
Due to health reasons, I am completely housebound. My wife who is, also my care person, is able to go out to get the shopping and also my prescriptions. I have to thank SRSB for two individual offers to both shop and to fetch my prescriptions
I miss bus and tram journeys, as I usually enjoy talking to fellow passengers, yes, about SRSB!
As for not visiting SRSB, well that is a big loss, as I love my visits, and meeting friends, both staff and patients, also I miss my latte, served with a smile by Joy, at the “VIP CAFÉ”, I have to admit I also miss spooning the froth from the cup after I have drunk it!
When I first came to SRSB, years ago, at the old building, I was emotionally suffering from a trauma, following a heart attack and two strokes as well as being discharged from the Hallamshire eye clinic, certified as visually impaired and also having disturbing hallucinations.
To cut the story short, SRSB, both staff and clients, were able to put me on the road to recovery and to live a positive life again.
On two traumatic periods, previous to Visual Impairment, I have found peace and positivity, after spending a time inside a church, I now get this positive feeling of safety whenever I come to SRSB.
As a charity, Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind, are deserving all the support that you as a company, or individually, can give, either or both, monetary and/or as a volunteer."
Quote from Anne, client and volunteer at RSS/SRSB. She told us what she misses about RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“Rotherham Sight and Sound (RSS) is like an extension of my family. It doesn't matter what age or ailments you have, you'll fit in.
"RSS gave us the independence to go out to places on day trips and weekends away. This meant you didn't have to ask family to go with you.
"All the staff at Sheffield and Rotherham are always very friendly and solved any problems you may have had, however small they might be. At both centres there was always someone to talk to face to face both formally and informally. This was usually with a tea or coffee or even a hot meal if you were in Sheffield.
"The atmosphere at both centres was great and the variety of activities and services given were amazing, and are deeply missed.
"Most people come in saying "I'm losing or have lost my sight". A few weeks later they usually said "What are we doing next?".
Quote from Kath, client and volunteer at RSS. She told us what she misses about RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“I've been asked to state what I miss from not going to Rotherham Sight and Sound.
I think the most important thing I miss is all the friends I have made over the last few years. Not just the clients of RSS but also the wonderful staff and volunteers who have also become friends. They are all wonderful people.
I miss the laughter and the gentle banter we have between us all. I miss sometimes being able to sit and listen to the chatter around me listening to people talking and laughing with each other telling what they have done over the last few days or weeks, I miss them all very much and cannot wait when we are all back together."
Quote from Martin, client and volunteer at SRSB/RSS. He told us what she misses about RSS during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.
“I certainly miss the challenge of getting to these centres to meet up with friends and staff which I class as my second family. The atmosphere is so friendly towards visually impaired / blind people you almost feel like you are at your second home. The support, empathy of staff who get to know you like friends would only do. It feels like i've lost something in my daily living without the wonderful centres that I miss and love so much.
Quote from Phil, client at SRSB who tells us about his technology sessions with Darren.
“I like going to the SRSB for my regular Friday session as I learn new things which are useful in everyday life. I have been going to the computer session with Darren for over eight years. Over this time he has taught me how to touch type and work my way around different features on websites. I now use my iPhone and iPad with greater proficiency and safety. He finds Apps that are useful to me such as KNFB reader, which can read text on leaflets, menus, newspapers etc. Also, for when I am out and about, an App called Soundscape, which gives audio directions over a 500 metres distance. This is useful for when I am out on short journeys alone, it gives me some security over where I am going. Another useful free app is Ai reader, which I use when going shopping. When I pick on item off the shelf it will read to me what it is, ie tin of beans and how much protein, fat and sugar it contains, which I need to know being diabetic. All these things can make my life in general a lot more manageable.”
Quote from Betty who is a client at RSS
"Thank you so much for arranging the Christmas Dinner and transport for Christmas Day. The dinner was very good and well presented and I am sure was enjoyed by all. I had thought I was going to spend Christmas Day in the flat by myself in a building where I knew the occupants of the surrounding flats were going to be away, but instead I was able to get out and was made very welcome by Debbie and Nigel (SRSB helpers) so thank you once again it was much apreciated."
Quote from Graham who is a client at SRSB
"Thank you for your help and support with my P.I.P. form and subsequent assessment. You don’t know how much of a relief for us this was. Thanks to both of you (part of SRSB's Community Advice Officers) for your help with this. Having the backup of SRSB throughout my ‘journey’ from when as a sales rep for a paints company being told by an optician when buying a new pair of glasses that “There’s something not quite right about your retina, you need to go to your doctor about it” to my current situation, the advice and direct help from you has been fantastic. I know that sometimes your work must seem like a thankless task, but you and all the team there are very close to my heart. You make Sheffield the best place to live if you have sight loss. Keep up the good work."
Quote from Abi whose son is a client at SRSB
"Having a child born with albinism and visually impaired and not really knowing much about it was very daunting. However SRSB were life savers. From attending Little Sparklers when Finlay was just a few weeks old, to making life-long friends, to the advice and support provided by staff, to nipping in for a coffee and a chat. It’s like having that one friend you always can turn to and rely on. Knowing Finlay will have this support in place as he grows is reassuring.”
Quote from Sheila about SRSB Culture Club Trips
"I have always adored the Theatre from being at school, and when my sight started to deteriorate I didn’t realise that you could still do all the things that you had always enjoyed. I just need guiding now and the Culture Club means that I can still go to the theatre and on other trips too. We go to a real variety of shows and visits and I enjoy all of them – it is the only way I get to go them. We can do what we want to do, it’s our choice. We meet up at the end of the year to plan the following year’s trips. To me it is everything! It’s like opening Christmas presents, it’s wonderful."
Quote from Jerri who attends SRSB's Youth Club
"It's a great place. I'm 14 and I go to the Youth Club it has changed my life, I'm more happy than I was before. They do all sorts of things, like when we had a lovely day at Wentworth Farm, it was such fun." |
Quote from Maya who receives our quarterly newsletter:
“I get the SRSB newsletter and I have just finished reading the autumn edition. I would just like to compliment the team for putting together such comprehensive information, news, tips, gossip (if I may call it that!) and so on. The newsletter is done with such clarity and care that I personally feel very grateful and humbled by all the effort you put in to keep us up to date. Many many thanks" |
Quote from Barbara who uses the Equipment Centre and attends Computer Training at SRSB:
"I first came as a client to SRSB in early 2010 referred from the Low Vision Clinic at the Hallamshire Hospital. I was shown the power of daylight lightbulbs and bought a desk lamp from the SRSB Equipment Centre and have recommended them to numerous people. It made sense of the written word to me, and helped in identifying all sorts of objects.
I also heard about the various activities at SRSB and applied for computer lessons. I had little ability and even LESS confidence in using a computer. The system at work had been poor, and this fact coupled with increasing sight loss meant I need to "start from scratch". The individual lessons given by Darren suited my needs perfectly. My confidence and ability have both grown, but I know there are still gaps in my knowledge and Darren's flexible style of teaching is what I need and continue to benefit from......thanks Darren."
Quote from Kathleen and Joyce who attended our Activity Centre each week:
“We met after coming to SRSB and have become firm friends ever since. We are picked up and dropped off door-to-door each time we attend. If it wasn’t for SRSB we wouldn’t get out, so it is a pleasure to attend and we look forward to coming and meeting our friends. The staff are marvellous and work so hard, they will always help you if you have any problems.” |
Quote from Elsie, who attended the Charles Bonnet Syndrome Support Group at the centre (CBS is a condition where people with sight problems start to see things that they know aren’t real, sometimes called visual hallucinations):
“I have been attending the CBS Support Group for over a year now and when I first found out about Charles Bonnet Syndrome it was a huge relief. When I came to the group and found out that other people experienced the same or worse than me it really helped me to come to terms with my visions and I feel like I am not alone. I enjoy the company and being able to speak freely to people who understand.” |
Quote from Karen whose daughter attended our Little Sparklers Playgroup
"Through Little Sparklers we meet families in similar situations and share experiences, discuss medical opinion and offer each other help and advice."
Quote from Viv who attends Computer Training at SRSB
"I feel that I have expanded my technical knowledge since I began Computer Training with Darren at SRSB. I have a tablet at home and have been learning about backing up photos and more about emailing. I feel that my confidence has really improved and Darren is very patient! We do some serious learning, but also have a laugh too!"
Quote from Joyce who attends our monthly Social Evenings:
"I have been coming to SRSB for many years. We really enjoy the socials and we alwas have a good sing-song and a dance. We always enjoy the food and entertainment. There is a raffle and I won the star prize of a hamper once! We have transport there and back which means that I can get out. You couldn't wish for a better association!" |
Quote from Mary, a client who attended our Teadance event held in conjunction with the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Volunteering:
"Please will you say a big thank you to all the students, musicians, performers and helpers for giving up their valuable time to give us a great deal of pleasure." |
Quote from Carol (and Bailey) who attended our Little Sparklers Playgroup:
“Bailey seems to really enjoy the playgroup which is very friendly and well organised. There is a good range of toys and activities for all ages to join in with. It is a bit daunting going to a new playgroup when you don’t know anyone but the staff all know that the children do need that extra bit of help and are there if you need them.” |
Quote from Pam, whose mother is a resident at our Care Home:
“My Mum first went to Cairn Home for respite care when we went on holiday. It was a great relief for me knowing my Mum was looked after when I went on holiday it meant our family could fully relax. As Mum required more care she moved to Cairn Home permanently. She would not consider going to any other care home, it is the only place she has ever liked or settled to. The staff are wonderful and very approachable and the home is so clean. I have recently moved out of Sheffield but I didn’t even consider moving Mum. She is so settled and very happy and I can go and visit her at any time. Even though Mum is in a care home the staff always involve me in all aspects of Mum’s care and welfare something which is obviously very important to me.”
Quote from a client:
“When I woke up and couldn’t see, it was as though my world had ended. But with the help of SRSB I am gradually learning to live again.”
Quote from a client who receives phone calls from SRSB’s ‘Tele-Friends’ service:
“I so look forward to our weekly chats. You are the only person I have spoken to this week other than my talking clock.”
Quote from a client:
“The computer package shown to me at SRSB has opened up my life. I can now contact my grandson abroad. I am a cool Gran.”