Accessibility Links

Tel: 0114 272 2757

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We are often sent information about products. These are not recommendations, just a sharing of information.

This space is to share links to various products and websites of interest to our vision and/or hearing impaired clients, with a brief description. Some are free, some have a cost:


 Close up of someones hands using a phone


 AppleVis website is a useful online resource for blind and low-vision users of Apple's range of products, with a forum, blog, podcast, guides and more.  

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Photo o f some headphones. Image by Skyler H. from Pixabay Talking News App Information

To keep up to date with news locally for free, National charity British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF) and The Talking News Federation (TNF) have joined forces to bring together local Talking Newspapers from across the UK.

Here is a link to more information on the Talking News Federation website.

Image by Skyler H. from Pixabay 


Close up of someones hands using a phone

Be My Eyes

The Be My Eyes App  is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


Close up of someones hands using a phone

Seeing AI

The Seeing AI App enables users to read documents, identify products based on bar codes, recognise people from their face, and recognise images within other apps.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

 Sign BSL logo Sign BSL
Search and compare thousands of words and phrases in British Sign Language (BSL) visit the Sign BSL website for more information. It can be downloaded from Google and Apple stores.
Photo of someone doing BSL on a video Interpreter Now
This App is from a social enterprise called Interpreter Now. If you are a deaf BSL (British Sign Language) user, this is aimed at helping you to access information. It can be downloaded from Google and Apple stores. Follow this link to the:
 Interpreter Now website

Close up of someones hands using a phone

Tap Tap See

The TapTapSee App is designed to help blind and vision impaired people identify objects they encounter in their daily lives.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


 Photo of someone using a smart phone

The KNFB Reader App converts any text to speech or Braille instantly and accurately.




EnVision glasses are AI for your eye. They use the power of speech to make everyday life more accessible for people with vision impairment.




Orcam MyEye is a wearable device, for people who are blind or visually impaired, it reads text, recognises faces, identifies products and more.




Oxsight wearable solutions. Smart glasses for the visually impaired




Aira is a service that provides those who are blind or low vision with instant access to trained agents who deliver objective visual information.


  NaviLens is barcode technology used to empower visually impaired people. You can also read this article on the BBC website about how it is being tested in the UK

Close up of someones hands using a phone

Prizmo Go

The Prizmo Go App is designed to help blind and vision impaired people identify objects they encounter in their daily lives.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 


Photo of someone holding a phone 


NaviLens is barcode technology used to empower visually impaired people. 

NaviLens tags are used in some places across the world. Where they are in place, they help people with sight loss navigate and find their way around cities independently. 

Some retailers and manufacturers are incorporating NaviLens into their designs to help people quickly access information. 

You can use with your Smartphone to create your own unique audio tags and the NaviLens App is available to download from Apple and Android


 Photo of someone on their phone GoodMaps is a new navigation app available in Transpennine Express stations. The GoodMaps Explore app, available on both iOS and Android is free. 


Blindshell Classic 2

Sam at the Blind Life YouTube Vlog has made a video about this Accessible mobile phoneBlindShell Classic 2: The Most Accessible Phone Just Got Better!



LiveText on iOS 

LiveText on the latest iPhones using iOS 5 is a feature that allows the uesr to take action via  

on-device intelligence that recognises text in a photo. Read more here and listen to the AppleVis Podcast.

Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest activities, events, groups and trips

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Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind links