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Cllr Anne Murphy. A Tribute

Photo of Anne with one of our volunteers

We would like to pay tribute to Cllr Anne Murphy, former Lord Mayor of Sheffield and Ambassador of SRSB and RSS. Anne supported us as one of her Charities of the Year when she was in post as Lord Mayor in 2017/2018. 

We were so pleased that she decided to remain involved after that and support us as an SRSB/RSS Ambassador. Anne was a very active supporter, attending many events for our clients, our volunteers and at fundraising events. 

She was a caring person, who was always interested in everyone else and she always brightened up the room when she visited us.

Anne was herself visually impaired, so she had a real passion and understanding of the challenges that our clients face every day. She will be missed very much and our thoughts are with her family and friends. Thank you Anne for your friendship.

These pictures show Anne with our clients, volunteers and staff at just some of the various events that she supported.

Photo of Anne with some of our clients at an event at the Town Hall Anne with some of our volunteers at a collection
Anne with staff member and her partner Gavin Anne at one of our childrens events at Virgin Money lounge with her driver
Anne with our Creative Writing Group at their Off the Shelf event Anne with one of our clients and volunteers along with her partner Gavin


Photo of the club house from a previous event

We'd love you to join our golf teams at Abbeydale Golf Club in July

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Photograph of a meeting in the centre

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest telephone, online and in person events

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