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Our friends at Victa have asked us to share this information about some sports activities they are organising over the coming months 

Free VI Athletics Taster Day. 18 Feb, Leeds:

Free Partially Sighted Football Taster with the Partially Sighted Football League. 1 March, Liverpool:

Travel Support Offer to FA England Talent Day (blind and partially sighted football). 16 April, St George’s Park:

Sports Family Weekend. 25-28 July:

They also have a couple of virtual online workshops for parents focussed around sport:

Introduction to Surfing with Surfing England. 4 March:
Introduction to Cycling with British Cycling. 25 March:

Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest activities, events, groups and trips

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Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind links