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STN Update

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Sheffield Talking News (STN), a local charity producing audio recordings of local news for those unable to access the written word, mainly through sight loss, had to suspend posting recordings out on memory sticks due to Covid-19.

Whilst unable to meet in close proximity at their studio (within Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind on Mappin St.) volunteers are recording from home and continue to make the news available on various other platforms such as Alexa and social media.

However, many of their Listeners are dependent on the memory sticks and now, after a 12-week absence, a skeleton team of volunteers - observing social distancing and wearing PPE - has restored the memory stick service, and listeners are once again receiving them in their free weekly reusable yellow wallets (courtesy of Royal Mail)

During these times of self-isolation and lack of social contact STN know, from messages received in the past, how overjoyed their listeners will be to have their weekly news restored, and they would be pleased to help any other visually impaired Sheffield citizens who are feeling cut off and shielding in their homes.

If you know of friends, family or neighbours who have difficulty reading and would benefit from listening to what’s going on in and around the city, please help them to leave an answerphone message for STN on (0114) 278 0440 or to email

Other information about the charity and ways of accessing the recordings can be found on their website:

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