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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Our Approach

We are living in unprecedented times but we are continually monitoring government advice and will be following their guidelines wherever it is appropriate for our client group.

Following the government’s announcement that within the next few weeks people aged over 70 are going to be asked to self-isolate we are taking the following precautions:

  1. With effect from Monday 23rd March our Activities Centre will be suspended.
  2. All other group activities in our Mappin Street and Ship Hill Centres will be suspended with effect from Monday 23rd March.
  3. Our Mappin Street Centre will however remain open for the time being with our Equipment Centre and Café both open for business as usual. The fortnightly “drop in” service for advice is still operating.
  4. Our Ship Hill Centre will also remain open for the time being with the hearing aid repair service still available. The fortnightly “drop in” service for advice is still operating.
  5. For any clients who are self-isolating, regardless of whether or not they regularly attend our Activities Centre, we will be looking to support them in their self-isolation by offering a home delivery service for essential shopping and medication. We will be working up the procedures for this over the next few days but if you don’t have any family, friends or neighbours who can do your shopping for you then please just give us a call to register your interest.
  6. Our Community Advice Officers will be working as usual but they will not be visiting you at home except in extreme circumstances. Much of their advice can be given over the telephone and other arrangements made for form signing etc. 
  7. We want to continue to support our clients but until the situation changes this will have to be done using different methods. If you require any help please contact us by giving us a call in Sheffield on 0114 272 2757 or Rotherham 01709 722 420.

Under the circumstances it is impossible to say how long these measures will be in place and we may need to restrict our operations further but we will be issuing regular updates. If you have an email address it would be very helpful if you could let us know that – just send us an email to letting us know that you are happy to receive updates by email.

Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest activities, events, groups and trips

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