CALLING ALL PARENTS/CARERS Our Children and Family Support Officer, Kadie, is now a part of the Sheffield SEND bi-monthly Parent/Carer Group meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure good dialogue between different parent/carers groups and Council / CCG senior officers and elected members in regards to improvements and developments related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities across the city.
The meeting will create an open and honest environment to raise and address concerns as to SEND practice and provision across the city and enable the opportunity to support the co-production of change and transformation.
Please contact Kadie on 0114 2722757 or email cyp@srsb.org.uk to discuss any views regarding the current Special Educational Needs support your child Is receiving and please look out for more information due to be sent out in the post in the coming weeks.
Below is a survey the council would like parents to complete to gain their views, please take the time to fill this out before the 22nd September in order to help develop the services our Children in Sheffield are entitled to:
Sheffield's Inclusion Strategy. Survey for Parents and Carers