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Our Team. Volunteer Profiles

Photo of Sarah During lockdown and during the current restrictions, we have been extremely grateful for the continued support of a team of our volunteers. The roles they have carried out have been very much appreciated by our clients too. We are going to focus on these volunteers and want to say a huge thank you to them. As usual, we could not offer the range of services that we do without the support of all our volunteers. 
Sarah is one of these volunteers who has been carrying out the role of Tele Friend. She is one of our clients and has also been a volunteer for many years and is a friendly, approachable person. We were very grateful that she took on this role to support our clients. Thanks you Sarah for your continued support and dedication!
Photo of participants at a previous half marathon

Join our team in the challenging Sheffield Half Marathon

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Photograph of a trip to an arboretum

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest activities, events, groups and trips

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