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Activity Pack Feedback

Photo of one of our clients with her activity pack

Our Activity Pack currently goes out to over 160 people each week, and we have some more words of wisdom from our clients who were asked ‘What advice do you have for the younger generation?’:

Nick says:

“My advice is very simple. Whilst the internet/electronic devices etc will be fast advancing in years to come and very important; youngsters must not forget the art of conversation, simply the finest way of communication. Good luck.”

Maureen says:

“In these uncertain times, life is a challenge to both young and old. One can only try to stay positive. Although your plans and dreams seem impossible – remember there is always a glimmer at the end of every tunnel. Never say never. Try to be supportive to your family and friends. Show them love and kindness.”

June says "Education. Education. Education."
Jitka says "If you are in trouble, turn to old people. They have good life experience. Listen to them, think about it. Use your common sense. Money is not everything. Be modest. If you have what you need. Help others. It returns to you."
Tina says "We are going through tough times at the minute. Things will get back to normal. Keep yourselves busy and active, whether you are at home or at school. Play a game with the family, sit down and talk more. Learn a new task or game eg chess or learn how to cook a new dish. Be thankful for what you have and the people you have around you. Write a letter to a loved one you may not be able to visit. Try not to worry and remember a problem shared is a problem halved. Keep thinking positive, following the guidelines. Stay safe and we can beat this." 

Wise words indeed :-)

If you are a client in Sheffield or Rotherham, and would like to receive the Activity Pack, please call 0114 272 2757 or email

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