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Graham 2.6 Challenge

Photo of Graham running in his garden

94 year oId War Veteran Graham Bell took part in a special triathlon in support of our charity yesterday! And he did it! Congratulations Graham and thank you!

As part of the 2.6 Challenge on Sunday 26th April, Graham cycled 2.6 miles, rowed 2.6 miles and ran 2.6 times round his garden raising funds for SRSB.

Graham who is a client at SRSB has taken part in a number of fundraising events, including recently, a glass and fire walk and the GYR.

But in line with the Covid-19 guidelines Graham is self-isolating and is an At Home Hero on his exercise bike and rowing machine for our charity. He says “My heart goes out to all the local charities who are not being able to raise money for their worthy causes. I have volunteered for SRSB for over 15 years and I understand their difficulties, which is why I want to help”

SRSB has had to cancel a number of fundraising events and collections causing an income shortfall, whilst still providing vital services to blind and partially sighted people in Sheffield. Daily, staff and volunteers are doing essential shopping, collecting medical supplies, offering benefits advice and phoning clients to ensure they are okay and offer any help required.

Jo Ardern, Deputy General Manager, SRSB says “The challenges that blind and partially sighted people face on a day to day basis is bad enough, but with the added pressure of self-isolation, the closure of all forms of social interaction and difficulties with food supplies, life for our clients is incredibly challenging right now so we need to keep our services going”

Graham was just a teenager when he took part in D-Day, the largest ever invasion which helped liberate Europe 75 years ago, when thousands were killed. He says “The war lasted 6 years, this Coronavirus hopefully will last less than a year. Having said all that I prefer the war, at least I could see the enemy.”

Coggin, Fundraising Manager at SRSB, says “We are so proud of our very own hero Graham, he is a true inspiration to us all.”  If you wish to support Graham in his challenge for SRSB visit his Just Giving page here: Graham Bell War Veteran 2.6 triathlon challenge

Graham on his exercise bike Graham on his rowing machine Graham in uniform
Photo of the club house from a previous event

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