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Free Will Week in March 2019

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SRSB Mappin Street Centre

11th to 15th March 2019, 10am to 3pm

We are running our third Free Will Week for our clients and supporters. During the week we will be holding a free legal surgery with representatives from a selection of local solicitors (list to be confirmed soon).

This is an open surgery so you can just turn up and have a chat at any time, or if you would like a private appointment just give us a call.

During the week if you book an appointment and you decide to make a will there will be no cost to you and all we ask is that you consider making a donation or leaving a gift in your will to SRSB to help us provide a future for our clients and maintain the services we provide. Our youngest client is 3 months old and we have to be there to support him for life.

The question is often asked why I need to make a will. Well it is advisable that if you are over 18 and you want to ensure that your assets are given as you wish them to be, you should make a will.

It is only natural that you want to make sure that the people that you care about are provided for, but after you have thought about family and friends please consider including a gift to SRSB.

For further information and to receive a copy of our new legacy leaflet please call our Legacy Officer, Sue Coggin or email
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