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Addventure in Learning Breaks

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We have been asked to let you know about these residential educational breaks from ADDVENTURE IN LEARNING:

AddVenture In Learning is a registered charity which organises residential breaks for visually impaired adults who have a thirst for learning and enjoy socialising with other like-minded people. The organisation is run by a volunteer committee of both sighted and visually impaired people.

The courses are held in different parts of the country. A sighted guide assists each visually impaired person and guide dogs are welcome. Accommodation can vary from hotels to outdoor centres or university halls. Participants must make their own way to the venue, but these are not usually far from a railway station. Course content varies according to the topic and may include talks and associated visits. 


BIRD SONG: 8 to11th May staying in a lodge at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. Cost £275 for VI’s, £225 for sighted guides. To include accommodation, breakfast, evening meal, some snacks and all outings.This is a course for those wishing to learn how to identify bird song. Rising early we have a 2½hr session led by a guide from Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetland Trust on 3 mornings. There will be 2 afternoons of birding at different locations. 
ELGAR: 6 to10th August staying at New College WorcesterCost and full details to be advisedThe course will be led by Julian Williamson who has led a previous course. Julian will share his knowledge of Elgar and his music. There will also be some outings. 
DUDLEY – INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE: 11th to15th October staying at The Village Hotel, Dudley. Cost to be advised but will include hotel, evening meals and outings.The proposed itinerary will include a visit to The Black Country living museum, a visit to the glass making quarters with a glass blowing demonstration, a guided canal boat trip and a talk on Dudley Castle. 
If you are interested in attending any of these breaks or would like to go on our mailing list then please contact Isobell on 07731 867931 or Barbara on 01460 281226 .  You may like to visit our website We would love to hear from you.
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