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Marathon Runner Supports SRSB

Photograph of Tom with balloons before the race

For one runner in the Sheffield Half Marathon, there was a special reason for taking part in the race. Tom Forster’s grandad, Eric, is severely sight impaired.

Eric has LORDs disease (Late Onset Retinal Dystrophy) which has gradually deteriorated his sight over the last 15 years.

“My grandad is blind and has been a client of the Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) for many years. He has done many adventurous challenges to raise funds for the charity, and I thought, if Grandad can do it, so can I”. Eric (who is 81) has done a Skydive, a Velodrome Challenge, climbed Ben Nevis and cycled tandem from Coast to Coast to name just a few!

Photograph of Eric and Marcia

Tom said his training has been a bit of a mixed bag – some good days, some bad days, and keeping injury free was the hardest part. He was hoping to run a time of under 2.5 hours and actually achieved 2hours 29 mins - “I was hoping for the less time the better, mainly because that meant it would be over quicker!” he said. “LORDs disease is hereditary in my family, and anything I can do to even raise even a little bit of money for the charity will hopefully help.” 

Tom has raised an amazing total of over £500!

Jane Peach a fundraiser from SRSB commented “If Tom’s grandad is anything to go by, this could be the start of many adventures! We really appreciate his support by taking part in the half marathon and realise that most of the hard work is before the race with the training. Really well done for taking part and achieving such a good time and raising such an incredible amount for SRSB


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