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Support and Sharing Group

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Emotional Support. Support and Sharing Group

You might remember reading some information in our last newsletter about SRSB starting a new support group for people who are finding it hard to come to terms with losing their sight. We are aware that some people find it hard to accept that they can’t see as well as they used to, they feel angry, or feel that it’s just them who has these feelings. 

The “Support and Sharing” groups are aiming to invite about eight people to come for six weekly sessions to talk about and share their feelings and frustrations around sight loss. There will be two group leaders who are blind or partially sighted themselves, and it won’t be anything heavy, there might be some laughs as everyone gets to know each other and share things. 

We hope to start running the groups as soon as there are people interested. The groups will continue throughout the year. If anyone is interested, please contact SRSB on 0114 272 2757 or email



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