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Pete Stancill. A Tribute

Phot of Pete with his dog

We were incredibly sad to hear that Pete Stancill, who used to be one of our Community Advice Officers, passed away this week. We want to pay tribute to Pete and our deepest sympathy goes to his partner Carol, his family and his friends. Pete gave 22 dedicated years of service for our charity, and care and support for our clients.  He was a well known character at SRSB and will always be remembered for his sense of humour, and his ability to always make people laugh.

Every Valentine’s Day, Pete’s annual ritual would be bring a red rose for each female member of staff. He also used to take roses to our care home, Carin Home, too; just one demonstration of the caring side of his nature. Part of the fun side of his nature was that he used to love to dress up in fancy dress and was a regular in the SRSB Ellie Mascot costume! He was also a regular at fundraising activities too and was instrumental in setting up some of our client activity groups. He will be remembered by many staff and volunteers, and of course by the many clients who he supported. He will be very much missed.  

Photo of the club house from a previous event

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Photograph of a meeting in the centre

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