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Steve Hambleton Retirement

Photo of Steve at SRSB

Our Charity’s General Manager Retires After 21 Years of Service

Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) has been supporting people with sight loss in Sheffield for over 160 years and our General Manager Steve Hambleton has made a huge contribution to 21 of those years. He will retire from this role at the end of this year.

Photo of Lord Mayor speaking Steve began working for our charity at our old centre on Mappin Street back in 2000, and since then he has developed the charity, overseeing several challenging projects such as the rebuild of the centre, the updating of Cairn Home care home in Crosspool and the financial crash in 2008. He also took the step to open a new centre in Rotherham to provide services for people with sight and/or hearing loss, and of course, more recently navigating our charity through the challenges of Covid all whilst maintaining a sustainable service. 
Photo of Richard speaking  He has built relationships and ensured that SRSB remains a relevant, important and valued part of the Sheffield community. 

We held a get together earlier this month both in-person and via Zoom, that the Lord Mayor of Sheffield attended. She thanked Steve on behalf of Sheffield for his dedication to 
SRSB over the last 21 years. Our Chair Richard Frost also spoke of Steve’s dedication and knowledge, saying that he leaves our charity well placed to take on the challenges and opportunities of the next 160 years.
 Photo of Joanne speaking Joanne Ardern will take over from Steve. Joanne has worked for SRSB for 20 years and before presenting him with an engraved tankard she said “It doesn’t seem two minutes since we both started working at SRSB Steve. During that time, I’ve seen first-hand what a difference you have made to the organisation and to the lives of our clients, working tirelessly to develop the very best services for visually impaired people, you have always fought their corner and championed their rights.
 Photo of Steve accepting his tankard “As a manager you have always supported and encouraged us, you have always given us time and your door has always been open. You have been an excellent mentor and have taught me so much, I know SRSB has been your ‘baby’ and I feel very honoured that you’re trusting me to take over its care. We wish you a long and happy retirement.”
 Photo of Steve speaking Steve commented “It has been a great honour and privilege to work for SRSB and I will miss everybody, the trustees, staff, volunteers and most of all the clients. I leave with many happy memories but it is sad that due to Covid restrictions I will not be able to see very many clients before I leave. Hopefully, when Covid has eventually gone and our centres are back to some level of normality I will be able to call in and see everyone again.” 
 Photo of Steve chatting to the Lord Mayor We presented Steve with a booklet that included many tributes sent from all areas of Steve’s work, from clients, groups, public bodies, local businesses, community organisations, other charities and individuals all with similar comments, in summary saying that the organisation is indebted to him, that he has left a lasting legacy and that he very much deserves a very happy retirement.
Photo of the club house from a previous event

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Photograph of a meeting in the centre

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