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Hardest Hit Update

Hardest Hit graphic

The Hardest Hit coalition (including Action for Blind People, Guide Dogs, RNIB and Visionary) is sending a giant Xmas card, signed by hopefully 10,000 plus people, to the Government. This "action" is to coincide with the Welfare Reform Bill reaching Report Stage in the House of Lords and forms part of our extensive lobbying activities. We need to encourage peers to vote for key amendments, in particular to:


  • challenge the time-limiting of Employment and Support Allowance

  • make the provisions around PIP fairer.

This is of the utmost importance. Unless the Bill is amended, there is a real danger that blind and partially sighted people will lose vital financial support - in many cases this will be around £30 a week. In some cases this will be over £90 a week. Please act now and sign the card. You just need to click on the following link to see the message and go to the sign-up page

This is also urgent. We plan to present the card on 13th December so please sign up today and share this message with colleagues, friends and family.

For more information please contact or or call 0207 391 2082.

You can also contact SRSB on 0114 272 2757 if you wish to ask us anything.

Photo of the club house from a previous event

We'd love you to join our golf teams at Abbeydale Golf Club in July

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Photograph of a meeting in the centre

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest telephone, online and in person events

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