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COVID-19 Service Update

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COVID-19 Services Update:

SRSB in Sheffield

Further to the suspension of all activities, the Café and Equipment Centre at our Mappin Street Centre are now closed in the interest of limiting the spread of Coronavirus. Whilst our centre is still manned by a very reduced number of staff, we would strongly urge people to follow the government guidelines that we have all been given and only come in for matters of extreme urgency. We would much prefer that you contact us by telephone.

Our Community Advice Officers (CAO’s) are working remotely and available on the telephone or by email. One CAO will be in attendance at both SRSB and RSS each day to help with queries, but again, please do not visit unless it is a matter of urgency, try to call or email where possible.

All other staff are still working remotely, so we are all available to help where we can.

You can still call the centre on the main line 0114 272 2757 or email and we will direct your query. 

RSS in Rotherham

Further to the suspension of all activities, the Equipment Centre at our Ship Hill Centre is now closed in the interest of limiting the spread of coronavirus and the hearing aid service repair is also suspended. Whilst our centre is still manned by a very reduced number of staff, we would strongly urge people to follow the government guidelines that we have all been given and only come in for matters of extreme urgency. We would much prefer that you contact us by telephone.

Our Community Advice Officers (CAOs) are working remotely and available on the telephone or by email. One CAO will be in attendance at both SRSB and RSS each day to help with queries, but again, please do not visit unless it is a matter of urgency, try to call or email where possible.

You can still call the centre on the main line 01709 722420 or email and we will direct your query.

Both Centres

Most other staff are still working remotely, so we are available to help where we can.

Our workforce is small and we have also had to ask volunteers to stay at home, but we will try to support our clients as best we can. We are a team dedicated to our clients and will continue to do all we can.

Please, we urge you all to listen to the government advice being given as we all have a part to play in limiting the spread of Coronavirus. 

We are of course sorry to have to take these steps, but they are necessary.

Photo of the club house from a previous event

We'd love you to join our golf teams at Abbeydale Golf Club in July

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Photograph of a meeting in the centre

Please visit our Client Events page for all the latest telephone, online and in person events

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