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LINk Meeting

Photograph of SRSB and Link staff We attended a meeting hosted by Sheffield Local Involvement Network (LINk) yesterday which focused on GP support for patients with sensory impairment.

In 2011, LINk co-odinated a ‘request for information’ to all main GPs across the city. LINk worked with SRSB and DASS (Deaf Advice Service Sheffield) to formulate the questions. Their findings indicated that improvements could be made to the support available for sensory impaired patients.

Attendees included representatives from GP practices and LINk members . Everyone was asked to contribute ideas to formulate a plan to address the required improvements.

Representatives from SRSB and DASS made presentations to the attendees. MP David Blunkett also popped in to express his support for making the improvements necessary.

Steve Hambleton and Dyane Midgley from SRSB gave a presentation. This included role play of a visually impaired patient visiting a GP surgery, highlighting both good and bad practice. Check back in a few days and there will be a movie available on line.

There was a useful discussion amongst the attendees at the end of the meeting and feedback indicated that awareness needs to be improved and systems need to be incorporated to support people with sensory impairment.

Please follow this link to see a copy of the GP Support for Patients with a Sensory Impairment report.




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